Auckland: 00:00:00
Sydney: 00:00:00
Tokyo: 00:00:00
Seoul: 00:00:00
Shanghai: 00:00:00

New Delhi: 00:00:00

Abu Dhabi: 00:00:00

Moscow: 00:00:00
Tel Aviv: 00:00:00
Nairobi: 00:00:00

Cairo: 00:00:00

Cape Town: 00:00:00

Mannheim: 00:00:00

London: 00:00:00
Barcelona: 00:00:00

São Paulo: 00:00:00

Buenos Aires: 00:00:00

Santiago de Chile: 00:00:00
New York: 00:00:00
Chicago: 00:00:00
San Francisco: 00:00:00
Vancouver: 00:00:00
Auckland: 00:00:00
Sydney: 00:00:00
Tokyo: 00:00:00
Seoul: 00:00:00
Shanghai: 00:00:00
Neu-Delhi: 00:00:00
Abu Dabi: 00:00:00
Moskau: 00:00:00
Tel Aviv: 00:00:00
Nairobi: 00:00:00
Kairo: 00:00:00
Kapstadt: 00:00:00

Mannheim: 00:00:00

London: 00:00:00
Barcelona: 00:00:00
Sao Paulo: 00:00:00
Buenos Aires: 00:00:00
Santiago de Chile: 00:00:00
New York: 00:00:00
Chicago: 00:00:00
San Francisco: 00:00:00
Vancouver: 00:00:00
Auckland: 00:00:00
Sydney: 00:00:00
Tokyo: 00:00:00
Seoul: 00:00:00
Shanghai: 00:00:00
Neu-Delhi: 00:00:00
Abu Dabi: 00:00:00
Moskau: 00:00:00
Tel Aviv: 00:00:00
Nairobi: 00:00:00
Kairo: 00:00:00
Kapstadt: 00:00:00

Mannheim: 00:00:00

London: 00:00:00
Barcelona: 00:00:00
Sao Paulo: 00:00:00
Buenos Aires: 00:00:00
Santiago de Chile: 00:00:00
New York: 00:00:00
Chicago: 00:00:00
San Francisco: 00:00:00
Vancouver: 00:00:00

Was Sie bei der Übersetzung juristischer Texte berücksichtigen müssen

Gerichtsgebäude von außen

Bild: Bevor Sie einen juristischen Text in die Hände eines Übersetzers geben sind einige wichtige Punkte zu beachten. Vertraulichkeit und Sicherheit: Damit Sie ruhigen Gewissens Ihre hochsensiblen und umfangreichen Dateien zur Übersetzung in Auftrag geben können, garantiert Ihnen flexword ein ausfallsicheres Netzwerk, sichere Übertragungswege und komfortable Up- und Downloadmöglichkeiten. Garantierte Kapazitäten: Die meisten juristischen […]

Languages and the Olympics

Statue der Olympischen Ringe aus Beton vor einem Sonnenuntergang

Bild: von diego_torres über Pixabay The Olympics are the biggest international event with 200 countries attending and more than 180 languages spoken. Rio 2016 searched for more than 8000 volunteers with language skills to become ‘voice of the Games’ and without appropriate linguistic specialists to help athletes and delegations no successful Olympics can be organized.

3 interpreting mistakes that influenced history

Historische Aufnahme eines Atompilzes

Bild: von WikiImages über Pixabay Interpreting is definitely not an easy job, requiring from a person to be multilingual or bilingual communication expert in wide variety of fields. Making mistakes is hard to avoid but often they are quickly recognized by a good interpreter. Sometimes, this is not the case which unfortunately results in catastrophic interpreting […]

Das umgekehrte Französisch

Bild: von digihanger über Pixabay Wenn Sie in der Schule gut im Französischunterricht aufgepasst haben, wissen Sie sicher, was cimère bedeutet. Oder etwa nicht ?! Kein Wunder, denn cimère ist Verlan. Verlan ist eine Form des Argot, die mittelalterliche Geheimsprache der Bettler und Ganoven, die auf dem Vertauschen / Umkehren von Silben beruht. Das Wort Verlan […]

4 types of translation service your growing business needs

Nachaufnahme von schreibenden Händen

Bild: For every successful company there comes a time when wings need to be spread and flying outside of your usual lines is inevitable. That is a necessary part of growing business, and taking over new borders requires slightly different approach. Starting from thorough research to creating detailed marketing strategy with your team and […]

50 Common Words You Use Everyday That Are Actually Trademarked Brand Names

Lady Justice

Bild: von GDJ über Pixabay Did you know that: Band-Aid Jacuzzi Jet Ski Memory Stick Post-It Super Glue Taser Vaseline Velcro Xerox are all legally protected trademarks? They might be used generically by consumers but cannot be used by their competitors. Here’s a list of marks that have been registered as trademarks and are actively enforced […]

German Is Hip Again

Aufnahme des Fernsehturms Mannheim hinter einer Brücke bei Nacht

Bild: von Bru-nO über Pixabay Once considered too difficult to learn, learning German is now the newest fad. This was the topic in a recent article in The Economist. Germany is again proving itself attractive culturally, commercially, and linguistically. In other words, maybe Germany is successfully expanding its soft power, a term coined by Joseph Nye […]

Eurovision & Languages

Sänger performt auf Bühne in Rauch und Konfetti und hält eine Hand in die Luft.

Bild: The Eurovision Song Contest is the longest-running annual song competition in the world. Since 1956 when it was founded, there have been 36 winners with lyrics in languages other than English, while 31 songs won with lyrics fully or partially in English. The very first winner was Lys Assia from Switzerland, who performed […]

In Graphics – 4 Languages to Learn In 2020

Nahaufnahme einer Mitarbeiterin, die frontal in die Kamera lächelt.

The world today is more multicultural than ever before and knowing more than one foreign language can benefit you in many ways. First of all, you can become more successful since it can open more job opportunities for you. Second, it can boost your cognitive abilities by improving memory, help with keeping longer attention span, […]

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